
Covenant UMC offers many ways for adults to come together for worship, learning, sharing, fellowship, service, recreation, and fun. We offer a wide range of small groups and adult Sunday school classes, described on other pages of this site.
F.U.E.L. Night: Wednesday night gathering including dinner, classes for adults, and classes & music opportunities for kids.
Small Groups: Opportunities for adults throughout the week.
Sunday Morning Small Groups: Adult Classes.
Senior Adults: Activities & classes for our Senior Adults.
Young Adults: Opportunities for our college students, 20s, and 30s.
Emmaus: Many of our adults have participated in Walk to Emmaus weekends sponsored by the Louisville Emmaus Community. These 72-hour short courses in Christianity help men and women integrate their faith into their lives and equip them to serve their churches as leaders. See the Louisville Emmaus site for details and the schedule of upcoming walks. You can get a printed copy of the Emmaus newsletter, “Talk from the Walk,” on the information wall near the Church office.