
Here a Covenant United Methodist Church, we feel that worship is one of the key ways that we come to know the love of Jesus in our lives and that it is vitally important that we are reminded weekly how much Jesus loves us and how much we love Him.  We encourage people to take time each week to come together and sing, pray, read scripture, and listen to biblical teaching.  These essential activities along with some sacred acts like holy communion, do two things for us.  First, they remind us that Jesus first loved and cared for us (John 3:16).  Second, they allow us to show our love for Jesus (Revelation 4:8-11).  Worship is one of the key ways at Covenant United Methodist Church that we come to know the love of Jesus.


Know the Love of Jesus:

How we experience the love of Jesus and express our love to Jesus varies greatly for His followers worldwide.  Language, culture, musical preferences, theological persuasion, and age all can impact our preferred worship style.  While we cannot accommodate all worship preferences, we offer several worship opportunities in different styles.  We hope that you will try them out and find a place you feel at home. 



Traditional Worship
Sunday Mornings at 8:30 am


If you feel at home singing traditional church hymns, reciting the creeds, hearing the piano and organ, reading scripture, saying the Lord’s prayer, and hearing biblical preaching, this may be the service for you.  The hymns and music of this service are taken from centuries of worship, providing a spiritual connection for many believers over hundreds of years.  Preaching tends to focus on a close look at a particular passage of scripture and how that text gives meaning and guides our lives. 

Modern Worship
Sunday Mornings at 11:00 am


If you enjoy singing along with guitars, keyboards, and drums to newer worship music, this may be the service for you.  This worship service tends to be more casual, with a simple format and modern music.  The core of this service is music, prayer, scripture reading, and a message.  Through praise and worship, you can express your love of Jesus.  The message at this service comes from taking a close look at a passage of scripture and reflecting on what it means for us and how we can better follow Jesus. 



Online Worship
Sunday Mornings at 11:00 am
Each Sunday morning, our 11:00 am worship service streamed.  You can join us live at that time or watch it later by following the links below.
You can worship with us at Covenant live each Sunday morning.
YouTube Live or Recorded Worship: CLICK HERE